Troon Supports Municipal Golf Study

Troon joins GreenlightAdvisors and NGCOA

Arizona, United States: Troon will join Greenlight Advisors and the National Golf Course Owners Association (NGCOA) to support the association’s 2024 Municipal Golf Study, now underway across the United States.

Troon, a long-time member of the NGCOA, has offered its experienced professional team and municipal golf course resources to participate in and support this industry-critical initiative.

“This is an exciting opportunity for municipal golf course operators to participate in a study for the good of the entire golf industry,” said Joe Goodrich, Vice President at Troon, an Executive Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation.

“Troon is excited to give back to an industry that has been so integral to our success. Strengthening municipal golf course performance, by way of this study, will reap long-term health and good fortunes for the entire golf industry and Troon is thrilled to be part of that story,” added Goodrich.

Greenlight Advisors and NGCOA have invited all municipal golf courses to participate in Greenlights exclusive ‘2024 Municipal Golf Study’. The objective of the study is to provide municipal golf course operators with a clear financial picture and educational forum.

“Greenlight Advisors is thrilled to partner with the NGCOA and to receive the support from Troon to promote the collaboration and education of municipal golf course operators and the sharing of key financial and operational data for the benefit of all,” said Greenlight Advisors Founding Partner, Michael A. Suglich.

“We aim to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date snapshot, using our ‘Best-in-Class Report Card’ to grade and equip golf course operators with the knowledge they need to improve performance and ensure the long-term success and sustainability of municipal golf courses,” he added.

Greenlight Advisors pioneered benchmarking for municipal golf course operators in 2022 when it successfully gathered data from hundreds of municipal golf courses across the US and published the first ever municipal golf operators benchmarking study.

Greenlight will evaluate and grade participating golf courses’ financial and operational performance data against industry benchmarks – classifying each metric as Top Quartile, Median, or Bottom Quartile in an online ‘Best-in-Class Report Card’.

This analysis will provide valuable insights into how golf courses compare to similar operations, highlighting potential financial and operational opportunities that may emerge. Armed with this information, municipal course operators can reassess their business strategies and make informed adjustments to capitalise on new prospects.

Jay Karen, the NGCOA’s CEO, said: “We are thrilled to partner with Greenlight Advisors to bring meaningful data to the nation’s 2,500 municipal golf courses to help them make super-informed management decisions.

“I’m a strong believer and advocate of collaboration and sharing golf course data for the betterment of the industry.”

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