Certificate in Greenkeeping


Certificate in Greenkeeping


Certificate in Greenkeeping


Certificate in Greenkeeping


Certificate in Greenkeeping


The Certificate in Greenkeeping (“CIG”) was launched in 2018 after several years of discussion and development. The purpose of CIG is to create viable consistent education for professionals looking for a career in turf management. After a review, the AGIF selected the New Zealand Sports Turf Institute (“NZSTI”) as our education partner in the development and implementation of the CIG. The R&A recognized the positive sustainable impact of this programme and is a founding supporter of the CIG. AGIF members - Jacobsen, Jebsen & Jessen, John Deere, Syngenta and Toro - are Education partners of this programme.

The CIG has since been launched in Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, United Arab Emirates and India as at end of 2023. The total number of students who have enrolled in the programme has broken through the 160 barrier with individuals from clubs in 12 countries -Brunei, Cambodia, China, India, Malaysia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the UAE and Vietnam. More than 60 students have now completed the programme.
Certificate in Greenkeeping – AGIF
Jebsen & Jessen

Programme Overview

Purpose: To produce skilled greenkeepers for golf courses throughout Asia with common standards which are recognized across Asia.

Focus: Core skills and knowledge required to operate safely and efficiently as a greenkeeper on a golf course, and in a way that protects the turf, prevents damage to the reputation of the course and improves productivity

Learner Profile: Aimed at people working in or aspiring to, leading hand or second in charge positions, must work on turf on a daily basis and have the ability to carry out and complete all practical tasks and online assignments, minimum 2 years turfgrass experience and a current employee of a club and have a golf course superintendent / manager as a mentor

Workplace Mentor Profile: Ideally the line manager of the candidate(s) attending the CIG programme. Minimum 5 years turfgrass management experience. Must be able to assist the programme advisors and trainers to implement workplace learning for the candidate(s) attending the CIG programme.

CIG Newsletter Issues

CIG Newsletter - Issue 1
CIG Newsletter - Issue 2
CIG Newsletter - Issue 3
CIG Newsletter - Issue 3
CIG Newsletter - Issue 4
CIG Newsletter Issue 5
CIG Newsletter - Issue 5

Delivery Of The Programme

Introductory Course

One five-day course at the commencement of the programme which will introduce the main aspects of:

Module 1: Golf Course Ecology

Module 2: Lead Greenkeeping Staff

Progression Course
One five-day course, 4-6 months into the programme which will introduce the main aspects of:
Module 3: Surface Management on the Golf Course
Module 4: Rootzone and Soil Water Management on the Golf Course
Module 5: Manage Golf Course Pests and Diseases
Confirmation Course
One three-day course at the completion of the programme  (10 to 12 months after commencement) which involves both practical and written assessments and oral presentation of a chosen topic

Programme Delivery

Face-to-face course
  • Introductory, Progression and Confirmation Courses taught by experienced agronomists and expert tutors
  • Translation in selected countries
  • Taught at a golf course in host country
Workplace Learning
  • Learning through guided workplace tasks and portal

  • Teaching and support resources for mentors and learners

  • Workplace mentor and NZSTI support network

  • Online assessments in between the courses
  • Written and practical examinations, and oral presentation of a chosen topic at Confirmation Course

AGIF CIG Gallery

About AGIF

The Asian Golf Industry Federation (AGIF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting all facets of the golf industry across Asia. Our members and partners involved in to advance sustainable practices and drive the industry’s growth. Join us in taking the next step towards a sustainable industry.


Asian Golf Industry Federation
18 Howard Road, #08-07 Novelty Bizcentre,
Singapore 369585
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