Individual Members

Rainbow Hills Golf Club, Indonesia

Rainbow Hills Golf Club, Indonesia

Individual Membership Benefits

Press Releases per year :-2
Banner Advertisements per year :-1
Logo placement on the AGIF website under the joined category including a hyper-link to website, and name and title of one designated representative.
Right to use the term “Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation” on all printed documents and communication, whether electronic or otherwise, to identify themselves as members of the Federation.
Right to use AGIF logo and link on the homepage of the company website and letterhead
Job Postings per year :-5
Webinar/Field Day/Demo Discount (%) :-
Events & Education Registration Discounts (%) :-10%
Access to GCSAA and CMAA  online education & webinars
AGIF Education recognised by GCSAA, CMAA, PGA of America, PGA of GB & Ireland, PGA of Australia
No. of Votes :-
Eligible to hold office
Eligible for committees
No. of Nominees :-
Right to propose and second new Executive, Full Business, Associate Business and Facility members of the Federation

Individual Member

Annual subscription fee of USD$150
Contact Membership Administration Manager for registration

About AGIF

AGIF is a not for profit industry federation with members and partners involved in all facets of the golf industry throughout Asia to assist them to take the next step in development toward a sustainable industry.


Asian Golf Industry Federation
3 Coleman Street,
#04-35 Peninsula Shopping Complex,
Singapore 179804
Chief Communications Officer
Membership & Administration Manager

Connect With AGIF

Copyright © 2023 Asian Golf Industry Federation.
Asian Golf Industry Federation