Club and Turf management sustainability series
Over the years, the AGIF has partnered with Turfgrass and Club Management Associations throughout Asia to run and operate Seminar on topics pertinent to Turfgrass and Club Management.
The purpose is to bring industry professionals from each market to event in which education, networking and product exhibitions are combined. Every effort is made to keep the admission fees for the attendees affordable.
Attendees usually come the golf club industry both in Greenkeeping and General Management capacity. We are now stating to invite Groundskeepers from Sports Fields to attend for combined golf and sports turf education. Attendees also include industry vendors and industry academics.
Between 1-3 days with a combination of turf and club management education streams along with networking event and commercial exhibition. Education and commercial activity are separate activities.
Education Credits
Education Credits
Over the last 5 years we have delivered annual events in:
Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, The Philippines, Taiwan
Image Gallery : Club & Turf Management Seminars
2021 Activities
For more information, please contact Membership at