Troon Facilities Raising Breast Cancer Awareness

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Scottsdale, Arizona, United States: Troon and Troon-affiliated facilities around the world are raising awareness about breast cancer prevention and screening exams, and funds for breast cancer research throughout the month of October.

Troon-affiliated golf properties are flying pink-checkered flags on their 18th greens to help raise awareness about breast cancer and will have various fund-raising events to support PLAY for P.I.N.K. an American charity funding breast cancer research. 

PLAY for P.I.N.K. (Prevention, Immediate diagnosis, New technology, Knowledge) supports a nationwide network of volunteers who raise money for breast cancer research through sporting and lifestyle events to speed advances in prevention, detection, treatment and survivorship.

PLAY for P.I.N.K. donates 100 per cent of its proceeds to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

Throughout October, Troon-managed facilities will host golf clinics, virtual events, and fun playing opportunities. In addition, Troon has made it easier than ever to donate to PLAY for P.I.N.K. and breast cancer research by creating a QR code and a donation-landing page.

The QR code will be displayed at Troon-affiliated facilities around the globe, as members and guests can scan the QR code, then direct their PLAY for P.I.N.K. donation through their favourite Troon-affiliated facility.

Troon is an Executive Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation.

To learn more about Troon’s Play for P.I.N.K. fund-raising initiatives, visit

For more information on Play for P.I.N.K. visit

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