Soil Scout Launches Dual Depth Sensor

Soil Scout Dual Depth sensor
Soil Scout has developed the Dual Depth Sensor.

Helsinki, Finland: World-leading soil monitoring provider Soil Scout has launched a new sensor product that has been developed after taking feedback from numerous existing customers.

The ground-breaking Dual Depth Sensor (DDS) gives the well-known Soil Scout Hydra sensor an additional sensing head, inter-connected with a cable.

“Our customers have been asking for this kind of a product for some time now and we are very happy to finally make it available,” said Jalmari Talola, CEO at Soil Scout, an Associate Business Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation.

“This really is a solution to their various needs in all different segments. In agriculture we now enable the monitoring of deep rooted crops, in sports and golf let customers do vertical profiling to optimise their use of inputs and prevent fertiliser leaching, and those in landscaping finally have a single product that fits to all of their monitoring needs,” he added.

Johannes Tiusanen, Soil Scout’s Chief Science Officer, said: “Many among the hundreds of Soil Scout customers have special requirements or limitations for their underground soil monitoring needs, and most commonly the same issues emerge more often than others: Burying the sensor really deep reduces the above-ground range, and whilst that could be tackled by elevating the receiver antenna, in some places that’s not always possible.

“In addition, many customers would like to bury sensors at two depths in one hole for vertical soil profiling, but that hasn’t been possible either, as the top sensor would hinder radio communication for the deeper one.”

To tackle these problems, Soil Scout’s Chief Technology Officer Jussi Sirkia and his team have developed the DDS, a first for Soil Scout who continue to lead the way for wireless soil monitoring technology.

The master Hydra sensor takes care of all radio communication, just like before. It can be buried in shallow ground to give an excellent range, whilst querying sub-soil data from the second sensor, deep down in the same hole.

The classic Soil Scout Hydra delivers the most undisturbed measurement without poles or wires conducting water to the measurement point and up to 20 years of continuous measurements unaffected by above ground actions. In sports turf maintenance it has quickly become the market leading solution.

Tiusanen said: “In agriculture, monitoring root zone conditions of deep rooted, tall crops, such as corn and sugarcane, has been limited to very short ranges regarding the above-ground range from sensor to receiver.

“Now with the transmitting device buried in the top-soil and the second very deep measurement point connected through a cable, the guaranteed wireless range is back up to hundreds of metres, still without any wires hampering field work above ground.”

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