GEO Foundation Leads Golfing Drive for Net Zero

Driving for Net Zero Graphic 1

North Berwick, Scotland: GEO Foundation for Sustainable Golf will host a special event on November 11, coinciding with the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, highlighting the roles golf can play in climate action and exploring the pathways to net-zero emissions.

The aim is to facilitate an important conversation at a key point in time – with a view to raising awareness and inspiring accelerated action over the decade ahead.

Organised and facilitated by GEO Foundation, Driving for Net Zero will be streamed virtually from Scotland’s Climate Ambition Zone in Glasgow, and brings together leading experts from United Nations agencies and other climate action bodies with representatives and examples from across the sport of golf.

Jonathan Smith, Executive Director of GEO Foundation, said: “We are excited to be able to present this event live and coinciding with COP26, as global attention is on the critical topic of climate action.

“The programme brings expertise and diverse perspectives from around the world, across golf, sport and beyond. The event will emphasise why we need to act, explore what we can effectively do, highlight examples of leadership underway, and introduce new support and solutions developed to accelerate the movement.”

Suzann Pettersen, winner of 22 titles worldwide, including two Majors, also plays an active role as a Sustainable Golf Champion. She added: “Golf is a global sport connected to people and landscapes around the world – affected by and affecting climate change.

“This event is an important and valuable opportunity to discuss how to take our responsibility and opportunity further, faster. Not just for golfers, not just for society now, but generations to come.”

The event is being supported by the Scottish Government, and is part of a wider drive in sustainable golf supported by partners including The R&A, Toro, Dow, European Tour, Ladies European Tour, LPGA, Galvin Green, WM and many other international and national associations.

Attendees can register for free here.

Thursday, November 11, 2021 3:00 PM – 5:30 PM GMT.

Driving for Net Zero – Golf and Climate Action (GEO Foundation for Sustainable Golf)

The event will commence at 3 pm (GMT) on November 11, hosted by Sky Sports presenter David Garrido. Attendees will gain insights and hear examples from a diverse range of contributors from across golf and beyond, including:

   *Suzann Pettersen

   *The R&A

   *Golf course and club managers from around the world

   *United Nations Environment Programme

   *WM Phoenix Open

   *Dow Great Lakes Bay Invitational

   *IAGTO, Global Golf Tourism Organisation

   *International Olympic Committee

   *European Tour, Ladies European Tour and LPGA

   *Wetlands International

   *The Gold Standard

“GEO Foundation is helping map an ambitious journey towards net-zero for golf – supported by a proper climate mitigation hierarchy and useful tools. This innovative and highly credible approach can set a best practice model in golf and beyond,” said Margaret Kim, CEO of Gold Standard, the international non-profit that sets leading standards for climate action.

“They’re keeping in mind not just the need for practical steps at home, but also contributing to climate justice by promoting the use of high-impact climate protection projects in the developing world,” added Kim.

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