Bayer’s Tetrino Raises the Bar on Insect Management

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Leverkusen, Germany: Tetrino is the new Bayer insecticide that controls both white grub and annual bluegrass weevil (ABW).

This innovative solution is powered by the active ingredient tetraniliprole, which allows you to take a preventive or early curative approach to pest management with broad-spectrum control and flexible application timing.

“With just one application, Tetrino can provide season-long white grub control,” said a spokesperson for Bayer, an Executive Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation.

In field trials, it showed consistent performance against all white grub species, offering rapid plant uptake and excellent residual activity. 

The spokesperson added: “Tetrino provides fast-acting control of ABW that stops insect feeding immediately upon ingestion.

“In field tests, Tetrino was shown to be highly effective at controlling larvae with contact and systemic activity. 

“Tetrino raises the bar on what you can expect from an insecticide. With fast-acting flexibility and outstanding control of white grub, ABW and a wide range of other turf-damaging pests, Tetrino can help you set a new benchmark for insect management.”

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