Golf Genius Software Providing Subscription Credits to All Customers

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Wayne, Pennsylvania, United States: Golf Genius Software has provided a subscription credit to all its customers in the 46 countries where it conducts business. For most customers, the credit amounts to approximately 15% of their annual product subscription fees.

“Sadly, the majority of golf facilities around the world are currently closed,” said Mike Zisman, Co-CEO of Golf Genius Software, a Full Business Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation.

He added: “As a result, many of our customers are facing significant economic distress. Some of these customers have contacted us regarding the possibility of payment deferrals or credits. In recognition of these challenging times, and in order to treat all of our customers fairly, equitably and consistently, our company has made the decision to apply a subscription credit to all customer accounts.

“Although this policy will impact our company profit for 2020, we feel it’s the right thing to do. We want to support our customers – from the elite private clubs to the family-operated daily fee customers – by doing what we can to both show our appreciation for their business and to help them through this difficult period.”

As economies ‘reopen’ it is likely that golf facilities will be among the first to resume operations, albeit with special precautions for ‘contactless golf’. Many facilities that are operating today are using the Golf Genius Tournament Management live scoring app for minimising contact.

Chris Kallmeyer, Co-CEO of Golf Genius, said: “We are working diligently on enhancements to our tournament management product to further support contactless golf for our club and association customers.

“This software development work is now our highest priority. We look forward to getting golfers back on their courses quickly, and, most importantly, in a precautious and safe manner.”

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