Peter Cook (left) discusses Sandy Lodge’s new Foley 653 cylinder grinder with Greg Turner, Head of Worldwide sales for Foley United.
London, England: One of England’s best-known golfing establishments has experienced the benefits of Foley United’s Accu-Master 653 and Accu-Pro 673 grinders.
In recent years, Sandy Lodge Golf Club, in the southern English county of Hertfordshire, has hosted Regional Open Championship Qualifying Rounds as well as the English Women’s Senior Open.
Head greenkeeper
Richard Elderfield along with mechanic
Peter Cook knew their previous grinders were coming to the end of their useable life and both had a strong desire to bring relief grinding to the club because of the overall benefits it has for the plant and the machines.
But Cook realised the Foley models had other features that would streamline his operation and make for a better work environment.
“Although relief grinding was our first priority it wasn’t the only aspect that attracted us to the Accu-Master 653,” Cook said. “We also like the enclosed cabinet on the cylinder grinder with the noise and dust protection it offered and we found the set-up of both grinders to be quick and easy, especially with the 653’s built in training programmes.
“Grinding is very important to us when it comes to the health of the course and the machinery. The quality and cleanness of cut will determine the smoothness and speed of the playing surface and it helps prevent turf infections and diseases.
“Relief grinding has made a lot of difference and the mower manufacturers also recommend it. We tend to put a lot more top dressing on our greens now and the relief grind allows the excess sand to be cleared away, so it’s not wearing the cylinder down and going off cut as quickly.
“It also means we have less potential contact between cylinder and bedknife, therefore less heat build-up as there’s reduced contact area with the bedknife. So, it makes the mower a lot more efficient overall.”
Talking about efficiency, Cook added: “We also see this in the grinders, as both machines are fully automated, with auto-start, traverse, infeed and shut down built in to the grinding programmes, alleviating any need for any human input between phases. We can have both grinders running at the same time allowing us to carry out other tasks, therefore saving more time.
“I can now grind far quicker than before. If I’m doing a five-head fairway machine, once you set the 653 for the first unit it will then be set for the remainder.
“It’s easy to access the machine and I have a winch to lift the reels in and out which makes the entire process easier. There is also an option of a lift-table if you prefer.
“The automation is a huge benefit. As we are limited for space in my workshop, and with the 653 being fully enclosed, it means there is very little noise coming from the grinder, allowing me to comfortably work close by.
“I thought I would struggle with the relief grinding as I had never done it before, but the training was excellent and I picked it up very quickly.”
Both Cook and Elderfield have also been impressed by the reliable service they have received from
Ian Robson of ProSport UK, the Foley United importer, both throughout the purchasing phase and the aftercare.
Foley United is a Full Business Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation.