18-34 Age Group Driving Golf Forward

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The NGF says venues such as Topgolf are attracting a younger and more diverse audience to golf.

California, United States: The National Golf Foundation’s (NGF) latest research on golf participation trends in the United States reveals that interest in the game is continuing to grow at record levels, with 2024 on track to be the fifth consecutive year where more than 500 million rounds of golf will be played across the 50 states.

The NGF revealed that 26.6 million golfers played on a course in 2023 and an additional 18.4 million played at a location with a simulator or at an entertainment venue such as Topgolf. 

Golfers in the 18-34 age group are now the largest group of on-course players, at an estimated 6.3 million. 

These rising figures are widely credited to how younger players are engaging with golf in new ways as social media, new apparel trends, YouTubers and other content creators inspire a new wave of golfers.

Topgolf and other simulator venues have also driven younger players to the course in record numbers. In 2023, 5.4 million people in the 18-to-34 age category participated in solely off-course golf activities.

The NGF also reports that a record number of 3.4 million people played on a golf course for the first time in 2023.

Among young people who aren’t actively playing golf, seven million are ‘very interested’ in taking up the game.

Female interest in the game is also on the rise. In 2023, 26% of on-course golfers were women. Approximately seven million women and girls played on a golf course in 2023, the highest level of participation since 2006.

Golf course accessibility is also a major factor in driving participation for 18-34-year-olds.

The NGF reports that 75% of US golf courses are public, which is an important factor for younger golfers as they are more likely to play public venues than they are at private clubs.

*For more details, and the latest industry data driven insights, visit  

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