Suståne Providing Perfect Platform

Sustane Ely1
Suståne’s 5-2-4 and 5-2-10+Fe is providing the perfect platform for a switch to finer grass species at Ely City Golf Club.

Cambridge, England: The combination of Suståne 5-2-4 and 5-2-10+Fe is providing the perfect platform for a switch to finer grass species at Ely City Golf Club.

Looking to improve disease resistance from the ground up is Course Manager Alan Magee, who explains how the tried and tested programme from Suståne is the ideal base feed for encouraging Bent grass to flourish on the greens at the parkland club.

Ely City is regarded as one of the finest courses in East Anglia, located on the outskirts of Cambridge and delivering a challenging but picturesque 18 holes of mature parkland.

Assisted by a team of five, Magee has been at the club for the last 2½ years.

“With the on-going reduction in chemicals and the drive towards more sustainable practices, as greenkeepers, we’re having to tackle the issue of disease management in new ways – for me, that’s looking at how we can increase our tolerance with better, more resilient, grass species,” Magee said.

No stranger to Suståne, Magee has been a long-standing user of its 5-2-4 all natural slow-release nitrogen fertiliser at his previous club in Dorset.

“The 5-2-4 is really the building block for the rest of our inputs. We apply this at eight-week intervals from the spring onwards, with complimentary liquid feeds put down as and when required,” said Magee.

The original Suståne formula, 5-2-4 promotes enhanced disease suppression and quick green up, without excessive growth. Suitable for most turfgrass environments, Suståne 5-2-4 increases the soil’s ability to hold water and nutrients, improving suppression of plant pathogens and strengthening the plant’s tolerance against heat, drought and other environmental stress factors.

Magee said: “This product is a fantastic spring starter, getting us moving and providing all the nutrients we need to support Bent grass and strengthen our greens ahead of a busy playing season.

“For some extra oomph, we use the 5-2-10+Fe every eight weeks from July onwards as we begin to prepare the surfaces for winter.”

With its 1:2 N to K ratio, Suståne 5-2-10+Fe aids plant hydration and disease suppression, also enhancing chlorophyll production for outstanding turf colour without excessive top growth.

Magee added: “This combination gives us great consistency and the versatility to adapt to surface requirements depending on the weather.

“As we pursue a bigger Bent population in our greens, I’m a firm believer that if we get the biology right in the soil, the rest of our programme will fall into place. Both the surfaces and the players will hopefully be thanking us as a result!”

*Suståne is a Full Business Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation.

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