New Foley Grinder in the Spotlight

Foley 642 quick spin grinder
Foley’s new 642 Quick Spin Reel Grinder.

Warwickshire, England: Foley’s ‘first-of-its-kind’ 642 Quick Spin Reel Grinder will be a star attraction at next month’s GroundsFest 2024.

Designed to accommodate the widest of mower cylinders, the 642 Quick Spin Reel Grinder is a simple roll-on, roll-off solution to grinding, with the machine sitting at floor level.

“The 642 Quick Spin Reel Grinder is the first-of-its-kind, and I’m delighted to acknowledge the significance of our latest development,” said Paul Rauker, President and CEO at Foley, a Full Business Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation.

He added: “It’s a machine that will appeal to all grounds professionals who are looking to improve the performance and efficiency of their grinding programmes.

“As the leading manufacturer of grinding equipment, Foley is once again leading the way in grinding technology. We have developed and patented simple-to-use controls to save time without compromising on performance.

“The patented clamping system effortlessly secures any cutting unit in all configurations, and the roller clamp is adjustable for any variety of rollers and groomers. This machine really will change the way we look at grinding in the future.”

Also in the spotlight at Stoneleigh Park in the English Midlands for GroundsFest on September 10-11 will be Foley’s automated Accu-Pro 633 cylinder grinder and Accu-Pro 672 bedknife grinder.

The automated features on the Accu-Pro 633 provide a step-by-step tutorial for new technicians and a quicker set-up and spin grind feature for the more experienced operators.

You tell the machine what you’re working on, and it automatically spin or relief grinds to completion. Pre-programmed spin speeds, relief torque, and in-feeds are among the features in the ACCU-Touch 3 system that ensure efficiency and guarantee a quality grind with every use.

For the 642 Quick Spin Reel Grinder, the roll-on, roll-off solution removes the need for heavy lifting facilities, revolutionising how equipment managers view touch-up spin grinding.

It offers a fast, easy-operated option for providing a quick touch-up spin between regular relief grinding schedules, and is a solution for sharpening the extra wide, heavy mowers used on sports fields and pitches.

The Foley 642 Quick Spin features simple-to-use controls, counter balanced spin drive, patented front and rear clamping system for pedestrian mowers, and power rear positioning levers for cylinders. It will accept up to 42-inch reel width and operates on 240v/15a power.

At GroundsFest, Foley’s United Kingdom and Ireland distributor, ProSport UK Ltd, will be on stand OSA540 to demonstrate the benefits of relief grinding and the Foley 642 Quick Spin Reel Grinder.

GroundsFest bills itself as ‘the largest annual, free, must-attend event for grounds staff, greenkeepers, landscapers, designers and architects, gardeners, local authorities, estate managers and contractors’.

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