Envu Releases New Fungicide


Cary, North Carolina, United States: Envu has launched its newest fungicide along with a handful of herbicides for use on turfgrass.

Castlon is a new fluoxastrobin that can help mitigate 26 turf and 22 landscape/ornamental diseases. Castlon delivers control of multiple problematic turf diseases, including fairy ring, summer patch, brown patch, leaf spot and Pythium.

“Castlon fungicide is a strobilurin chemistry that is highly systemic in plants with a very fast rain uptake, making it a quick performer against foliar and root diseases,” Dr Jesse Benelli, Green Solutions Team specialist at Envu, was quoted as saying by Golf Course Industry.

“There aren’t many standalone products that can control brown patch and Pythium blight at the same time. Typically, applications require tank mixtures, but Castlon fungicide does both,” added Dr Benelli.

Castlon can be tank-mixed with Mirage Stressgard fungicide, which features tebuconazole as an active ingredient, for improved plant health benefits.

Dr Benelli said: “We are incredibly pleased to make this solution available for our customers alongside our recently introduced Resilia root health solution and trusted Stressgard brand fungicides.

“When put into rotational application programmes, they can help ensure plant health and disease protection all season long.”

In addition to Castlon fungicide, Envu also is releasing four new herbicides:

  • Acclaim Accelerate for control of three-to-five tiller crabgrass and other challenging mid-summer weeds, including torpedograss on warm-season turfgrass.
  • Terradex Power Premix for broad-spectrum control of broadleaf weeds such as thistle on primary and no-mow roughs.
  • Terradex Crabgrass & Broadleaf to provide post-emergence control of both grassy and broadleaf weeds applied as a late-season clean-up.
  • Terradex Quick Strike to control broadleaf weeds fast with results in 24 to 48 hours while becoming rainfast in six hours.

*Envu is an Executive Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation.

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