DryJect Appoints Centaur as Distributor

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Hong Kong SAR, China: Centaur Asia Pacific has been appointed as the authorised distributor for the revolutionary DryJect service, which aerates, topdresses, and amends in one pass.

Centaur will represent DryJect in Australia, Brunei, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

John Paddock, President and Owner of DryJect, said: “We are excited to have Centaur Asia Pacific as part of the DryJect family. We look forward to working with them to promote our fine products throughout the territories they cover.”

DryJect is an advanced aeration and soil amendment injection service designed to improve turf health and performance. This innovative technology uses high-pressure water to fracture the soil, creating channels that allow for the simultaneous injection of sand, amendments, or other soil conditioners directly into the root zone.

The benefits of DryJect include enhanced soil aeration, improved water infiltration, and increased root growth, all of which contribute to healthier, more resilient turf.

This process is quick, minimally disruptive, and allows for immediate use of the turf post-treatment, making it ideal for golf courses, sports fields, and other high-traffic areas.

“We are excited to bring DryJect to these markets where end-users can now purchase their own unit and spare parts directly from a local distributor,” said Danny Potter, Founder and Director of Centaur Asia Pacific, a Full Business Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation (AGIF).

Founded in 1998, DryJect Company specialises in unique niche products within the green industry. DryJect Inc oversees the manufacturing and servicing of machines, as well as research and development. The company’s mission is to develop and market products and services that are both unique and technologically superior to existing industry standards.

Cenrtaur DryJect

A spokesperson for DryJect said: “Traditional core aeration is time-consuming and requires several steps to return turf to a playable surface. With DryJect added to a maintenance programme, the need for core aerification can be reduced, greatly amplifying its benefits.

“This means you can relieve compaction, increase water infiltration, reach the root zone with oxygen, and amend your soil with high volumes of material all at the same time. Plus, DryJect leaves the surface smooth and playable.”

Centaur Asia Pacific, a Founding Member of the AGIF, has offices in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, and Australia.

*For further information about DryJect, please visit 

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