Berkshire, England: At certain times of the year, the turf can suffer from environmental stresses.
These can be from:
During monsoon conditions where rainfall is much higher than normal, the turf can also experience a reduction in daylight hours.
One of the key changes is the breakdown of chlorophyll, the green pigment responsible for photo-synthesis. As the chlorophyll breaks down, it’s common to see the turf change colour, with more brown and yellow shades seen in the sward.
The breakdown of chlorophyll reduces the ability of plants to photo-synthesise, slowing the metabolic activity.
This reduced metabolic rate presents itself as slowed growth, and a focus on conserving resources to help withstand adverse winter conditions.
Energy reserves will be redirected and stored in the roots and crown of the plant.
When preparing turf for environmental stress, the following aspects should be focused on:
Seaweed acts as a bio-stimulant, promoting plant growth and health.
Seaweed products stimulate root growth, resulting in thicker, longer roots with more root hairs. Improved root growth, in turn, helps plants thrive in stressful conditions.
Seaweed extract is rich in alginic acid, mannitol, amino acids, minerals, and plant hormone-like molecules.
“These benefits collectively contribute to healthier and more resilient plants,” said Brian Croose, ASEAN Regional Manager at Indigrow, a Full Business Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation.
“Ideal products from the Indigrow range include Compass Bio-Active, Compass Bio-Active OneShot or, if you need additional penetrant wetting agent and iron, Compass Bio-Complete,” he added.
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