Hong Kong, China: Hong Kong was recently struck by the most powerful typhoon in half a decade, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The Hong Kong Observatory issued its highest storm warning, T10, equivalent to a Category 4 hurricane.
A few days later, the city was confronted again with severe weather conditions. This time, the highest hourly rainfall ever recorded resulted in Hong Kong’s longest black rainstorm warning.
The powerful typhoon and accompanying rainstorm caused considerable damage at Hong Kong’s golf courses. Many experienced uprooted trees, and damaged ornamental features, requiring substantial repairs.
However, despite the best efforts of the elements, courses at which bunkers were fortified with Capillary Bunkers and/or EcoBunker technology remained pristine.
“This duo solution not only saves time and resources but also reduces the need for extensive manpower for bunker restoration,” said Jeffrey Eshuis, Managing Director for Centaur Asia Pacific, Hong Kong, which distributes CapillaryFlow and EcoBunker across the region.
Centaur Asia Pacific and EcoBunker are both Full Business Members of the Asian Golf Industry Federation while CapillaryFlow is an Associate Business Member.
Among the Hong Kong golf courses to benefit from having Capillary Bunkers and/or EcoBunkers installed prior to the recent typhoon and black thunderstorm were Discovery Bay Golf Club, Shek O Country Club and The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club.
Despite suffering damage across these golf courses, the bunkers demonstrated remarkable resilience, showing no signs of washout, ponding, or edge damage.
The clubs shared their experiences on their own social media channels, with videos and photos highlighting the impeccable performance of these bunkers.
Following the onslaught of the typhoon and thunderstorm, Peter Downie, General Manager at The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club, lauded the technology, underscoring its time-saving and cost-reducing attributes. CapillaryFlow and EcoBunker are both installed at Clearwater Bay, a Facility Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation.
Similarly, Eric Liu, Golf Course Manager at Discovery Bay Golf Club, expressed amazement after witnessing the stark contrast between bunkers equipped with Capillary Bunkers and those without. Discovery Bay has installed CapillaryFlow.
Eshuis said: “Given the frequency with which Hong Kong confronts these weather challenges, golf clubs are increasingly understanding the importance of prioritising bunker enhancements to protect courses when extreme weather conditions strike.”
CapillaryFlow’s proprietary Capillary Material empowers bunker liners, facilitating swift drainage while retaining optimal sand moisture levels, yielding impeccable playing conditions.
Capillary Bunkers avert washouts, flooding, soil contamination, moisture inconsistencies, plugged ball lies, the need for sand replacement due to contamination, and excessive maintenance.
Bunkers become resilient to severe washouts and edge collapses when harmonised with the robust EcoBunker technology, renowned for constructing stacked sod walls using synthetic grass tiles.