SMS Rebrands as Sporting Insights

Sporting Insights low

London, England: Sports Marketing Surveys Inc (SMS) has changed its company name to Sporting Insights to better reflect its movement into the world of data analytics.

Over the past two years, SMS has made significant developments to its business. These include investments into dashboard and data analysis capabilities; expansion into Asia; and the development into new market areas such as female sporting engagement; whilst continuing to build on its long-standing reputation for research in markets such as golf and cycling.

To reflect these changes and its wider strategic plans the company has decided to take the opportunity to continue its development under the brand of Sporting Insights.

This better communicates how the company contributes to its clients and partners by providing the evidence for proactive decision-making and reflects its focus on using analytics to inspire a more active world.

“SMS has offered much more than surveys and market research for a long time,” said John Bushell, Managing Director at SMS, a Full Business Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation.

He added: “As the business has grown, the Sporting Insights name better expresses how far we have come and how our organisation is positioned for the future.

“Our team produces customer-focused insights to help clients and partners take bold, evidence-based actions that boost their business and we want our identity to reflect this.”

Sporting Insights has an ambitious programme of global research planned for the remainder of 2022 and into 2023 using increasingly sophisticated quantitative analysis to complement its unique qualitative expertise.

This includes working in the United States alongside Sports Marketing Surveys USA, which will continue to trade under its current name, collaborating on projects wherever appropriate.

Bushell said: “The Sporting Insights brand encapsulates our evolving business. The team is experienced in leading truly independent global programmes that deliver analytics, enhanced data-visualisation and reporting of insights that customers can act on.

“Whilst the Sporting Insights identity is new, we will continue to do what we have done since 1984, work with some of the most iconic sports businesses and properties in the world to create deliver strategic insights.

“We are excited about the future, and look forward to continuing this journey with our customers, partners and stakeholders.”

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