Harrogate, England: Indigrow has underlined its commitment to providing greenkeepers with an increasing flow of data to assist them in choosing which products to use on their golf courses.
At this year’s BTME, the premier turf management exhibition in Europe, Indigrow showcased its latest range of Humik fertilisers, aimed at benefitting turf managers around the world.
“We’ve been working on this range now for probably three years, doing quite a lot of development work, trying to get a range of products which was comparable to other slow release granular fertilisers which are available at the moment,” said Geoff Lloyd, Technical Director at Indigrow, a Full Business Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation.
Lloyd said Indigrow’s fertilisers based on humic acid are produced to have fully homogenous granules ensuring the accurate spread of nutrients. They contain high levels of organic matter to help improve all round soil health, with particularly strong effects on sand-based rootzones.
In an interview with Turf Matters’ Editor Scott MacCallum, conducted at the Indigrow stand, Lloyd outlined the extensive trial programmes undertaken to see if these products could perform as well as some of the traditional products that were on the market, such as polymer coating materials.
“We weren’t necessarily looking for an improvement as much as something that was an alternative,” said Lloyd.
Of the trials, Lloyd said: “It wasn’t a case of just putting down a bit here and a bit there and having a look … it was fully replicated. One trial had 10 treatments, 48 plots and all the statistical analysis that you could do on a scientific basis because I think now greenkeepers are looking for something a bit more serious. They want data.”