ISP Develops ‘HydroForce’ Range

HydroForce AGIF
ISP HydroForce DewPro in action. Picture by Nathan Law.

Brisbane, Australia: After extensive research and development, ISP (Indigo Specialty Products) has developed a complete range of industry-leading soil surfactants.

These ‘HydroForce’ offerings are a range of premium soil surfactants, specifically developed for the Australasian and Oceania market.

The ISP HydroForce range is formulated in Australia using imported materials.

This HydroForce range of products focuses on optimising soil-water-plant interactions to reduce water usage and improve irrigation efficiencies.

“In a world where water is becoming a limited resource, it is essential that turf managers implement practices to make the best use of this resource. This is where the use of soil surfactants can play a key role,” said a spokesperson for ISP, an Associate Business Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation.

Extensively trialled and tested by the United States university system (Purdue and Penn State), research has shown that products within this HydroForce range can be used to enhance fungicidal performance, improve turf quality as well as enhance root development.

Preliminary research carried out in the summer of 2021 has indicated where spiral nematode counts exceed the threshold, root length and general plant health has increased, while the number of spiral nematodes present decreased when ISP HydroForce Ultra was tank-mixed with certain nematicides.

This comprehensive range of soil surfactant chemistry has products to suit a wide variety of turf types, climates as well as soil types.

Ranging from premium fine turf soil surfactants to products developed for use in the landscape and ornamental industry, this range offers a product that caters to every need and budget.

Centaur Asia Pacific, a Full Business Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation, is a distributor for ISP.

A privately-owned business, ISP was formed and is owned by a small team of industry professionals with extensive experience in manufacture, distribution, development and product registration.

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