Indigrow’s Commitment to Organic Approach


Brimpton, Berkshire, England: More than two years ago, Indigrow embarked on changing the make-up of its ‘Impact’ fertilisers to take account of a move towards a more balanced approach to nutrition and soil biology.

Primarily, this was done by changing the base material from a chemically inert filler to an organic source.

Brian Croose, Asean Regional Manager for Indigrow, a Full Business Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation, says this organic source will act as a food source for the naturally occurring soil flora and fauna.

Croose said: “All of the organic sources we use are plant-based and GM-free. Since their introduction in 2019, we have been supplying our ImpactPlus range to this specification.

“When we introduced our Quantum products for 2020, we also continued our commitment to this more organic approach.”

As well as the ImpactPlus and Quantum granular fertilisers, Indigrow’s Humik granular fertilisers and Impact Organic 14-2-8 products also conform to the organo-mineral standards.

To be classified as EU Organo-Mineral Fertilisers, Organic Carbon should be greater than 7.5% and an Organic Nitrogen content greater than 0.5%.

The Carbon/Nitrogen (C/N) ratio of all the products is extremely low, eliminating the risk that soil micro-organisms will ‘steal’ nitrogen from the soil and tie it up as they break down the carbon, which makes the nitrogen unavailable to a crop.

Croose said: “As well as being classed as organo-mineral, all of the ImpactPlus products have the additional benefit of our unique bio-stimulant coating, ‘Asset’.

“Our ImpactPlus Asset-coated range of fine turf fertilisers are highly effective on all soil types with differing base nutrient levels, and are proven to help improve turf vigour and root density.

“When stressed, plants naturally produce osmolytes to help combat the environmental stresses. Production is favoured under water-deficit or salt stress as they provide stress tolerance to cell without interfering with the cellular function.

“Asset is one of a group of these osmolyte compounds and is extracted from a plant species which has naturally occurring high levels.”

Asset helps overcome plant stress and aids recovery by:

  • Osmotic Regulation
  • Cell Membrane Protection
  • Reduction in Free Radical Production
  • Protection of Photo-synthetic Bio-chemical Pathways

“Our bio-stimulant, Asset, has been proven in independent trials to increase ground cover of newly sown seed, increase levels of growth and recovery and improve root density,” said Croose.

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