Golf Genius Acquires Event-Man Tournament Software

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Wayne, Pennsylvania, United States: Golf Genius Software has acquired Event-Man Tournament Software, the long-time leader in desktop tournament management systems. 

Founder and President Runi Kleinas and the entire Event-Man team will join Golf Genius.

“Runi Kleinas was a pioneer in developing tournament management systems for private golf clubs and public golf facilities. He introduced the first version of Event-Man in 1997, and steadily improved the product over the next 23 years,” said Mike Zisman, Co-CEO of Golf Genius, a Full Business Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation.

“The company is widely known for providing outstanding customer support, and Runi himself has earned a justifiable reputation for personally helping his customers succeed. I speak for our entire company when I say it’s an honour to welcome Runi and his staff to Golf Genius,” added Zisman.

Kleinas said: “In the past few years, the world has rapidly moved to software as a service (SaaS) solutions, and it’s clear that today Golf Genius is the worldwide leader in providing tournament management software hosted in the cloud.

“I’ve known Mike Zisman for over a decade and know he values customer satisfaction as strongly as I do. He has built a company strongly committed to providing excellent customer support. Together with the Golf Genius team, we will offer attractive, affordable, and fully supported migration path options for Event-Man customers.”

Current Event-Man customers will have the option to continue using Event-Man with full customer support through December 31, 2022. Customers that subscribe to the USGA’s GHIN service also have an option to migrate to USGA TM Club, a SaaS service, for no additional charge above their GHIN handicapping fee.

They can also subscribe to the USGA TM Club Premium service or equivalent Golf Genius-branded Premium service in locations that are not GHIN-affiliated.

USGA TM Club offers functionality similar to Event-Man, and USGA TM Club Premium adds additional features including live scoring, event registration, payment processing, text messaging, and integration with other club software systems. Event-Man will be made available to Premium subscribers at no additional charge until December 31, 2022.

This is the fifth acquisition completed by Golf Genius Software since the start of 2020. Last year, Golf Genius also acquired and Impact Tournament Systems, both in Canada. US acquisitions include Tournament Expert and ProTeam Golf. ProTeam Golf was developing software for the golf coaching market. The other three acquisitions provided tournament management software.

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