London, England: The second British Golf Show has been re-scheduled for next year and is poised to double in size to become the largest exhibition to date in the organisers’ eight-year history.
Rescheduled for May 14-15, 2021, the British Golf Show is staged in association with The PGA of Great Britain and Ireland, an Executive Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation.
The 2020 event’s originally-scheduled date of May was switched to early October due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, given on-going uncertainty regarding public gatherings, exhibition organisers, The Elite Luxury Events, felt they had no choice but to postpone.
As the British Golf Show’s exhibition space was fully sold for 2020, extra capacity has been secured at Wycombe Air Park with the 2021 Show to take place across two golf halls, allowing for additional exhibitors and public attractions.
As originally planned, the 2021 British Golf Show will take place alongside the long-running The Elite London luxury lifestyle exhibition, which also switches to the May, 2021 dates.
“With on-going uncertainty about Covid-19, there simply isn’t time now for our exhibitors to prepare for a golf show in early October,” said Alex Ayling, Managing Director of The Elite Luxury Events.
“This gives us more time to market the event and develop increased visitor numbers. The golf industry has, by and large, welcomed our initiative and we have appreciated everybody’s support during this most challenging of all years. We will now turn our focus to staging our largest-ever event in May, 2021,” he added.