Golf’s ‘Sustainability Champions’ Recognised

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North Berwick, Scotland: GEO Foundation has announced an exciting new initiative to recognise and celebrate individuals who have made an exceptional contribution to advancing sustainability in golf.

These ‘Sustainability Champions’ are honoured for their significant and measurable achievements in club and course management, and in the future, this will extend to course design, tournament staging and advocacy.

Jonathan Smith, Executive Director, GEO Foundation, said: “Golf’s positive contributions to the environment and communities come from the commitments, actions and results generated by real people across the sport, around the world. It is their voluntary leadership that is helping deliver stronger and more sustainable businesses; changing the image of the game; and delivering even more value to society.

“This is our way of recognising and rewarding them, as individuals, and will hopefully inspire many others to step forward and follow suit.”

One of the first Sustainability Champions is Richard Mullen, Course Manager at Banchory Golf Club. Mullen said: “Always within our professional industry we try to create the best surfaces we can, we should not, however, create these surfaces to any detrimental measures.

“We must work day-to-day with a sustainable approach to ensure not just the future of our game but the environment we live in. No bigger reason to change the way we think.”

New individuals will always be welcomed as Sustainability Champions, as they meet the criteria, to create a recognisable, public listing of sustainable golf leaders around the world.

Steve Isaac, Director – Sustainability, The R&A, said: “Addressing sustainability often requires behavioural change and investment in infrastructure. It takes courage for individuals at golf facilities to take the lead in promoting such activities to their managers and employers. 

“Those that succeed have to be truly committed and persuasive. ‘Sustainability Champions’ recognises these individuals who not only follow their conscience and do what is right, but who take action that reflects favourably on the golf business and on the sport itself.”

Each Champion is provided with a recognition mark and supporting materials to represent their important roles in the workplace, on their CV and in their communities.

See the eligibility criteria and inaugural list of Sustainability Champions. 

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