Asia Golf Links Online with Asian Golf Industry Federation

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Seoul, Korea: Asia Golf Links (AGL), a global leader in on-line tee-time bookings, has signed up as a member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation (AGIF).

Based in Seoul, the Korean company currently boasts 700,000 members who make use of its technology to secure starting times at many of the most prestigious golf courses around the region – and beyond.

Jim Hwang, AGL’s Chief Executive and the first President of Golfzon County, said: “It’s the aim of Asia Golf Links to build the most powerful and influential online golf booking system across Asia and the Pacific.

“Not only are our existing members from Korea, but also Japan and other countries.

“By joining the Asian Golf Industry Federation, we are looking to expand further – and to reach our target of having one million members by the end of 2019.”

In addition to its core business, AGL publishes the Golf Industry newspaper in Korea, which covers all of the country’s 540 golf courses as well as golf-related business in Korea.

Eric Lynge, the AGIF’s Chief Executive Officer, said: “We’re delighted to welcome Asia Golf Links into the Asian Golf Industry Federation fold as an Associate Business Member.

“The service that AGL provides in Korea and Japan has proved to be tremendously successful. The AGIF looks forward to helping to spread the word about Asia Golf Links, and what it offers, across the region.”

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The Asian Golf Industry Federation (AGIF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting all facets of the golf industry across Asia. Our members and partners involved in to advance sustainable practices and drive the industry’s growth. Join us in taking the next step towards a sustainable industry.


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