Havrevold Assumes Presidency of Golf Course Association of Europe

Golf Course Association Europe

Berlin, Germany: The Golf Course Association of Europe (GCAE) is the new name for the European Golf Course Owners Association (EGCOA).

Explaining the switch, Lodewijk Klootwijk, Chief Executive Officer, said: With the development of the EGCOA we introduce a name change that is closer to the current role of the association and its members.

“Most of the National Golf Course Associations, who form the foundation of the European Association, have a similar set up of their name, because the members of these associations are the golf courses. The general assembly of the Association has voted unanimously for the new name. The logo stays the same as it was for clear recognition.”

Meanwhile, Lars Havrevold has been confirmed as the new President of GCAE. Former President Alexander Baron von Spoercken introduced Havrevold as his successor during the recent European Golf Business Conference in Berlin.

Havrevold is President of the Norwegian Golf Course Owners and has been on the GCAE’s Board for several years.

“I am excited to become President of this organisation and bring it to the next level,” he said. “An important task is to enhance the co-operation between the national organisations and the federations in Europe.

“Also, I believe that technology and innovations will have an impact on how we run our business in the future. To share best practices between our members will be of great importance.”

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