Aurora, Illinois, United States: Turf health can be determined by the colour, quality and consistency of the turfgrass.
In general, the early ‘warning’ stages can be identified when the greenness of the turf begins to decline. It’s easy to see when your turf is no longer healthy, but often times, once your eyes recognise that something is wrong, it’s too late, and the turf is already experiencing some type of stress that requires a significant effort to reverse or overcome.
Current rating systems, such as the guidelines established by the National Turf Evaluation Programme (NTEP), use a subjective rating protocol that assumes all individuals see colour in the same way.
In recent years, however, technology has advanced significantly to allow turf managers to affordably monitor the greenness of turf using objective measurements. In this way, subtle changes in greenness that your eyes alone cannot detect can be used to monitor trends and catch stress inputs before it’s too late.
There are many causes for turf stress and the related decline in greenness, including low nutrient levels, moisture levels that are either too wet or too dry, soil compaction, and disease and insect pressure.
As turf management professionals monitor the health of their turf at a more scientific level, they will be better equipped to make decisions regarding fertilisation, irrigation, aeration and applications of pesticides.
Spectrum Technologies, Inc, a Full Business Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation, offers a full line of affordable devices to measure nutrient levels, soil qualities, light, weather and other factors directly affecting turf health.
Spectrum’s WatchDog line of weather stations and data loggers make it easier than ever to record weather events and conditions. More than 18,000 customers across the globe count on Spectrum’s easy-to-use, dependable technology and knowledgeable staff for their growing needs.
Founded in 1987, Spectrum is a leader in providing advanced agriculture, horticulture, and turf technologies to customers worldwide