Global Golf Community Invited to Share Data on Distance in Golf

as distancestudySt Andrews, Scotland and Liberty Corner, New Jersey, United States: A global online questionnaire and data-gathering exercise on distance in golf has been launched by The R&A and the USGA as part of the Distance Insights project.
The detailed questionnaire is open to all interested participants in golf until October 31 and is available in 10 languages. Administered independently by Sports Marketing Surveys Inc, it can be accessed at both and
Each person who takes the survey will be asked a series of universal questions about distance in golf (defined by how far shots travel), such as:

  • What do you think makes golf most interesting to watch?
  • Do you think recreational golfers are hitting shots further than they did five years ago?
  • Do you think elite/professional golfers are hitting shots further than they did five years ago?
  • What do you think should be most important to success in the game of golf?

Participants who express interest while taking the survey may be invited to take part in follow-up telephone interviews or online group conversations to gather deeper perspectives on the topic. While individual responses will be confidential, anonymised global survey results will be published in the final Distance Insights project report, to be delivered in 2019.
The R&A and the USGA will also accept relevant original or commissioned data and research directly related to distance via email until December 20. Individuals or organisations may also request to present their data in person. Distance Insights email address as well as terms and conditions regarding the submission of research and data can be found here.
The R&A and the USGA embarked on the Distance Insights project in May to initiate the most comprehensive global study of distance in golf to date.
Through primary and third-party research, a detailed research and data review and the collection of views from throughout the golf industry, the aim is to achieve better understanding of the contributors to and impacts of distance on golf.


Martin Slumbers

Martin Slumbers, Chief Executive of The R&A, said: “We want to hear the views of those involved in golf throughout the world about distance and what it means for the sport. This is an important stage of the Distance Insights project and we would encourage people with an interest in golf to share their perspectives with us. There are many different points of view and considerations on distance and we want to make sure we have as full a picture as possible.”
Mike Davis, CEO of the USGA, said: “We’re inviting perspectives and opinions from the global golf community because we recognise the topic of distance is one that potentially impacts us all in some capacity.
“This is the best opportunity for people to share their thoughts and data with us. We know a final Distance Insights report that reflects a breadth of perspective will be critical to deepening an understanding around the complex nature, and far-reaching implications, of this subject matter.”
Information on the Distance Insights project, including frequently asked questions, historical data and general terms and conditions for submitting data, can be found at or

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