Global Golf Industry Reunites at PGA Show

PGA Merchandise Show 2014
For many businesses in the golf industry, the PGA Show marks the annual start of the New Year.

Orlando, Florida, United States: The 71st PGA Show brings together PGA of America Golf Professionals, industry executives, retailers and golf leaders from around the world to meet with more than 1,000 golf companies and brands within 1.1 million square feet of exhibit, demonstration and meeting space of the Orange County Convention Centre from January 23-26.

The PGA Show marks the annual start of the New Year for the US$102 billion golf industry and an unparalleled platform to discover the newest innovations, test the latest equipment and technology, learn from industry experts and network with peers to advance the business of the sport.

The PGA Show, organised by PGA Golf Exhibitions and the PGA of America, began in the trunks of cars at a winter golf tournament in 1954 and has grown into golf’s longest running and largest global business gathering.

Current industry professional registration exceeds 30,000 golf industry professionals from 84 countries and all 50 US States. More than 7,000 PGA of America Golf Professionals are registered to attend, representing widespread professional positions in the industry that drive grass-roots participation by some 41.1 million Americans in the sport which contributes US$226.5 billion in total economic impact in America.

Additionally, some 900 VIP buyers representing some 660 golf facilities and mass merchandisers are making plans to source new products and services, representing approximately US$800 million in purchasing power and nearly US$2 billion in retail sales.

While the PGA Show is an unmatched marketplace for discovering the latest golf innovations, PGA Show Week also offers industry professionals programming to recharge and renew their passion for the business of the game by attending high-level industry presentations, participating in education and career workshops and connecting in person with peers from around the world.

The PGA Show begins today with the PGA Show Demo Day at Orange County National Golf Centre and moves to the Orange County Convention Centre from tomorrow through Friday for exhibits and a full schedule of industry events. 

*The PGA of America is an Executive Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation.

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