GreenGlove Joins AGIF

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Singapore: GreenGlove, billed as the most innovative smart solution for a greener world, has joined the Asian Golf Industry Federation (AGIF).

GreenGlove is a process design engineering company that offers bespoke turnkey solutions to suit organic waste treatment objectives as well as sophisticated post treatment facilities such as organic fertiliser milling, prilling, and blending lines for a complete fertiliser manufacturing factory.

More than two billion tons of municipal solid waste is generated annually across the globe with most transported to landfill.  

More than 22 million tons of organic waste is diverted for composting, while an estimated 43 million tons of organic waste is sent to landfills.     

Landfills, incineration and conventional composting create a host of long-lasting environmental and economic issues from pollutants, greenhouse gases and disruption to local ecology.  

GreenGlove is the result of over 20 years research into organic chemistry, microbial activity and green waste treatment.   

GreenGlove has developed a full range of complete resource recovery solutions for all sources of organic waste. 

To meet global demands to reduce, recycle and value add organic waste, GreenGlove designs bespoke Turnkey Rapid Composting Systems for any needs of composting to complement the Rapid Composting Reactor.

Rapid Composting Systems have revolutionised composting from months to just three hours composting time. It can be achieved due to GreenGlove proprietary process and enzyme technology applied during composting.   

Henrik Friis, Director at GreenGlove, said: “Rapid composting technology by GreenGlove enables cities, municipalities, industrial agriculture, food producers and communities to handle any organic waste quickly, without unnecessary pollution. 

“It also eliminates the need for landfill of organic waste and reduces transport and handling costs.  

“Facilities can be located close to the source of waste without creating environmental impact to the environment, neighbours and economy.”

Compost is ready to use after processing as the Rapid Composting Technology ensures complete stabilisation and odour-free composting combined with heat treatment to 80℃, which eliminates biological contaminants, bacteria and viruses.

For further information, please visit

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The Asian Golf Industry Federation (AGIF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting all facets of the golf industry across Asia. Our members and partners involved in to advance sustainable practices and drive the industry’s growth. Join us in taking the next step towards a sustainable industry.


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