Charities Benefit from SICC Generosity

SICC May Day Charity Cheque Presentation
SICC Captain Ivan Chua (front row, sixth left) and SICC General Manager Ian Roberts (front row, seventh right) with the SICC May Day Charity 2023 Organising Committee Members and representatives of the 14 beneficiaries.

Singapore: More than S$1.72 million was raised at The Singapore Island Country Club’s (SICC) 52nd May Day Charity event.

This year’s charity drive benefits 14 beneficiaries supporting various causes such as health, the community, the disabled, children, and the elderly, with generous donations from more than 100 donors, including 44 corporate donors.

President Halimah Yacob, who graced the May Day Charity Gala Dinner in May, has been the SICC May Day Charity patron since 2018.

Besides a charity golf tournament and corporate sponsorships, other fringe activities by the club’s food and beverage, lifestyle, and sports fraternities were organised for members from April to May.

These activities were made available for SICC members to contribute to a charitable cause in their own ways.

At the May Day Charity Cheque Presentation, SICC Captain Ivan Chua, Chairman of the May Day Charity Organising Committee, said: “We are pleased to present cheques to our 14 beneficiaries, who provide various services to the community, ranging from under-privileged children to the elderly.

“These beneficiaries have demonstrated their unwavering commitment to bringing positive change, and it is our responsibility to recognise and support their efforts.”

Sim Bee Hia, Executive Director, Singapore Hospice Council, said: “We are incredibly grateful for the contributions from SICC’s May Day Charity event, which goes a long way to improving the quality of life of patients with serious life-limiting illnesses and supporting their families in the final journey.

“The funds will fill critical gaps in building capacity and capabilities to meet the increasing demands of Singapore’s super ageing society. This is important for our charity as we continue to ensure quality palliative care for everyone, leaving no one to die alone, ensuring dignified end-of-life care for all.”

Angela Tan, Executive Director, ART:DIS, said: “The impact of SICC’s continual generosity to support the disabled individuals of ARTDIS programmes has enabled us to run programmes that build their sense of purpose and community belonging, empowering them to reach their fullest potential.”

Leslie Teo, Director, Community Engagement, AIN Society, added: “We are immensely grateful to SICC and all the donors for their unwavering support and belief in AIN Society’s mission to bring positive change to our beneficiaries so that we can strengthen their overall well-being and raise their quality of life.”

The 14 beneficiaries are: AIN Society; ART:DIS; CARE Community Services Society; Dementia Singapore; Dyslexia Association of Singapore; Halogen Foundation; Life Community Services Society; LOVE, NILS; Muscular Dystrophy Association Singapore; SAWL Scholarship Fund; Singapore Hospice Council; Society for the Age Sick; SUN-DAC and Yong-en Care Centre.

The Singapore Island Country Club is a Facility Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation.

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