Biral Launches Messenger Service for Thunderstorm Detection System

BTD 200 Lightning Background

Bristol, England: Meteorological equipment specialist Biral has recently launched its new Lightning Works software programme to work with its popular BTD-200 lightning warning system.

The BTD-200 Lightning Works Messenger is a software application that operates alongside the BTD-200 Lightning Works software to send warning email and SMS text messages when thunderstorm activity is detected. Messages are sent both when thunderstorm activity is detected and when it clears.

With the Lightning Works Messenger, key staff can receive thunderstorm activity warnings on their smart phones wherever they are without delay. Once received, staff will immediately understand the threat allowing them to take the necessary action, whether that is calling in players on a golf course or securing vital plant and machinery.

The need for site-wide public address systems may also be reduced, lessening the impact of operations on any neighbours.

The number of recipients that can be set up to receive warning messages is unlimited and each person can choose to have either email or SMS messages, or both. Sending of messages to recipients can be enabled and disabled on an individual basis, as can the ability to not send messages between certain times of the day. All recipient data is held in encrypted files and is password protected for compliance with data protection regulations.

Email and SMS text messages are sent through third party email and SMS messaging service providers. For emails, existing email accounts or a dedicated address are compatible with the BTD-200 sensor, with the use of free Gmail accounts also supported.

For SMS messages, a service contract is required with one of the four SMS messaging service providers supported by Lightning Works Messenger. SMS messaging service providers can charge for their service and this cost is additional to the Lightning Works Messenger package.

Lightning Works Messenger has built-in language support for eight languages including English, French, German, Spanish and Chinese and runs on current Microsoft PC and server operating systems. It can be installed on the same computer as either a Lightning Works client or server, or any other computer on the same local network.

Biral71 Lightning Works

An essential requirement is that the computer on which it is installed has a reliable internet connection; this is required to send email and SMS messages.

The BTD-200 lightning warning system is a modular system which is designed to operate out-of-the-box, and is also expandable as requirements grow or change. The essential system comprises a lightning detector which is placed outside, either on its tripod mount or permanently installed, whilst a PC located indoors runs the supplied Lightning Works software. The system includes a power supply and (optionally) the cabling to connect to the power and the host PC.

Biral is an Associate Business Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation.

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