Club Car Launches Online Car Configurator

ClubCar Configurator low

Augusta, Georgia, United States: Club Car has upgraded its customer experience with the launch of a new online car configurator, which allows prospective customers to design, build and view their vehicles online before purchase.

Designed to engage customers early in the purchasing journey with an interactive experience, the intuitive configurator interface seamlessly integrates with the Club Car flagship website, enabling customers to easily customise a model and create the perfect car to fit their lifestyle and needs.

The integration of photo-realistic rendering provides customers with a step-by-step visual representation of their selected vehicle options from both front and rear angles.

Working from CAD data, the Onward two, four and six passenger vehicles can be fully customised with a choice of exterior colours and material seat options, right through to powertrain, suspension, canopy, tyre and wheel assembly choices, and a further 27 accessory options.

Once designed, the custom configure-price-quote (CPQ) generates a unique code that encourages customers to share their customised Club Car with friends or return to easily edit selections at a later date.

“This type of configurator software is paving the way for the future, not just in the automotive industry but in a variety of sectors, such as our own,” said Pierre Lhernould, Marketing Leader EMEA at Club Car, a brand of Ingersoll Rand and an Executive Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation.

“Buying habits have transformed in recent years, and research has taught us that people today usually prefer to get their information online before speaking to a representative. The configurator allows for that in a comprehensive and visual way,” he added.

The online configurator, available worldwide in seven languages, uses GEO-IP recognition so that the language is recognised automatically to provide the best user experience for customers.

There are currently two product lines available for online configuration, including the all new consumer-targeted personal transportation vehicle range, Club Car Onwards.

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