ICL H2Pro TriSmart’s Quality Traits

H2Pro TriSmart registered as biostimulant press release

Waardenburg, The Netherlands: H2Pro TriSmart, ICL Growing Solutions’ premium wetting agent, has been registered as a non-microbial bio-stimulant under the latest EU Fertilising Product Regulation (FPR).

In extensive trials and research, H2Pro TriSmart has shown to improve quality traits of turfgrass under drought stress conditions.

The registration follows the H2Pro trials executed by the independent Sports Turf Research Institute (STRI) in Bingley, United Kingdom, which demonstrated how H2Pro TriSmart improves both soil and plant quality traits.

With these improvements, it is the first time that a product has been classified as both a ‘wetting agent’ and ‘non-microbial plant bio-stimulant’.

“Years of research and field trials have proven that the product performs exceptionally well,” said Dr Andy Owen, International Technical Manager Turf and Landscape at ICL, a Full Business Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation.

He added: “We have many years of data gathered from field trial work across the globe and university research showing how H2Pro TriSmart significantly reduces dry patch and soil hydro-phobicity, maintaining turf quality and providing efficient water use. But we also wanted to focus on the benefits for turfgrass under the new fertiliser legislation.

“This comprehensive trial work allows ICL to clearly describe the benefits for the turfgrass surface that end-users can expect from selecting H2Pro TriSmart, although we are fully aware that the plant benefits come from the product’s unique ability to improve the moisture status in drought affected soils and rootzones.”

Four independent field trials, each with an eight times treatment replication at the STRI, demonstrated that a H2Pro TriSmart programme can significantly improve quality traits of turfgrass under drought stress conditions.

Improvements of turf quality, turf colour, turf uniformity, turf density and NDVI were measured for TriSmart treated plots in comparison with control (untreated plots) as well as significantly greater volumetric moisture content percentage (VMC %). The robust field data allows for the new product designation under the latest regulations.

The use of a surfactant-based wetting agent in a programmed approach is a well-established practice for turf managers wanting the best from their turf surfaces.

H2Pro TriSmart registered as biostimulant press release1
Dr Andy Owen, International Technical Manager Turf and Landscape at ICL.

Implementing H2Pro wetting agents in a turf management strategy improves drought resilience of turfgrass, water-use efficiency, water uptake by grass plants, and overall turf quality traits.

H2Pro TriSmart is part of a range of ICL’s high-performance wetting agents specifically developed for turfgrass. The company offers both residual and penetrant products that are suitable for all conditions and are always backed by research and user testimonials.

“Turf managers that use H2Pro TriSmart in their turf management programmes can be assured that the product, including the quality and high performance, has not changed. The new FPR 1009/2019 compliant label identifies the changed registration status of the product,” said a spokesperson for ICL.

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