Capillary Wash Box Guarantee Extended

Washbox model from Dubsdread with unwashed sand on left and washed on right

Wellington, Florida, United States: CapillaryFlow is extending the performance guarantee on its bunker liner solution for clients who also install its Wash Box product as part of their project.

The Capillary Wash Box, which sits in an opening at the bottom of a Capillary Material-lined bunker, makes use of the fact that fine contaminants particles float in water, whereas sand does not, to allow sand to be cleaned of such particles by pressure washing.

“The standard guarantee for our projects is 10 years – we are utterly confident that our product will last for the long haul,” said Martin Sternberg, Inventor and CEO at CapillaryFlow, an Associate Business Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation.

He added: “But we also now see how important the cleaning of sand procedure is to the lifespan of the liner, so we are extending the guarantee to 15 years in those cases.

“The cost to clients upfront is minimal, but the money it saves over the life of the bunker is enormous. Because the Wash Box is quite new, a lot of clients don’t quite understand how it works, and the benefits it can provide, so to give an extra incentive to install it, we have taken this action.”

Bunker sands are expensive, and difficult to find access to in many places. On top of that, a sand that works well on faces could be not so good in the base of a bunker.

Finer particles tend to migrate from the faces down to the base of the bunker with rains and irrigation, resulting in poor drainage and ‘muddy’ conditions.

Sternberg said: “We now have many clients who decided to go with a sand that is right at the limit or even just above the max three per cent fines recommended by the USGA.

“The fine particles make the sand more compact on faces, and by being able to quickly wash out fines in the base of the bunker they can keep bunker sand very consistent throughout.

“By being able to adjust the amount of fines in a bunker sand, the superintendent is always in full control. The Wash Box has saved many of our clients already, and in turn us as well.

“If a bunker fails, everyone loses, no matter who is at fault. This little box really is a great tool!”

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