Bernhard & Company’s Canadian Expansion

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Quebec, Canada: Bernhard and Company, an industry-leader in fine turf management solutions, has continued its development within Canadian markets via a new partnership with Quebec-based distributor OJ Compagnie.

Founded in 1967, OJ Compagnie was originally set-up as a specialised seed company, before moving into the golf sphere.

Since then, the family-run business has continued to evolve and now conducts around 65% of its operations in golf, with the remaining focus split between lawn care, sod growers, municipal turf, and other businesses within the turf industry.

The new relationship comes as Bernhard and Company looks to increase its business presence through improved contact with new prospects across Canada, with OJ Compagnie covering the geographical area of Quebec.

“We are thrilled to continue to enhance our presence in Canada,” said Gary Ray, Business Development Manager for North America at Bernhard and Company, a Full Business Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation.

“OJ Compagnie is a business that is undeniably aligned to our values and principles, and we are excited to see where this partnership leads.”

Phil Jangl at OJ Compagnie, said: “We’re delighted to be partnering with Bernhard and Company and we believe it’s a relationship that will be a hugely beneficial one for both parties.

“I would say that every golf course in Quebec is our customer, whether on a large scale or on a small scale, and we’re well known in the industry. I think we have a good reputation for our customer service and showing that we really care, which is something that Bernhard and Company has always demonstrated too – making this relationship a perfect fit.”

OJ was originally founded by Otto Jangl in 1967, amassing nearly 50 years of experience in the turf maintenance industry. After Otto Jangl passed away in 2008, the business has been run by his children, Gabrielle and Phil.

Bernhard and Company grinding machines are used by more than 65 per cent of the world’s top 100 golf courses to ensure perfect, tournament-ready playing conditions year-round, while the company’s turf management solutions and educational support are utilised at major sporting events around the globe.

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