Indigrow’s Quality Master Plan

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Berkshire, England: Quality Master Plan (QMP) is a tool developed by Indigrow for greenkeepers and groundspersons to monitor and quantify green quality and performance in an objective, measurable manner.

“QMP provides physical analysis, allowing us to understand what is going on under the surface,” said Brian Croose, Asean Regional Manager for Indigrow, a Full Business Member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation.

“Only after physical analysis is nutrient analysis relevant. Turf can only fully utilise nutrients with a properly functioning rootzone.

“It’s important to remember where in the world you are located, as climate has a huge effect on soil profiles and nutrition levels and requirements,” said Croose, adding that the most important environmental demands for crops are: temperature, moisture, available oxygen, soil pH and available nutrients.

“Physical analysis allows growers to understand what is going on under the soil’s surface, taking into consideration all of these environmental demands. Only after physical analysis is nutrient analysis relevant,” he added.

QMP will measure:

  • Organic matter percentage at four depths (0-25 mm; 25-50 mm; 50-75 mm; 75-100 mm)
  • Textural analysis (particle size distribution)
  • Surface infiltration rate
  • Saturated hydraulic conductivity
  • Pore volume (total pore volume, water filled pores at sampling, moisture holding capacity, air filled pore space).

Applying QMP for three years validates actions to be optimal for the ability of reaching high quality on greens and other playing surfaces. With QMP a maintenance programme can be designed to ensure a greenkeeper concentrates his or her efforts accurately and measurably:

  • Evaluate the success of cultural practices such as aeration and top-dressing
  • Evaluate the effects of inputs such as like wetting agents, soil conditioners, pH buffers and nutritional products
  • Results are presented in easy-to-read formats, perfect for presenting to committees and boards of management
  • Manage your turf to its full potential.

“Our team of expert staff around the globe are able to offer bespoke advice for any geographic location or climate,” said Croose.

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