Golf Course Quarantine Approved for Foreign Tourists to Thailand

Foreign tourists are now allowed to serve a 14-day quarantine at a golf course. Picture by Chris Keane/USGA.

Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai Cabinet has officially approved golf course 14-day alternative state quarantines for Thailand, published in the Royal Gazette last night.

This was announced on the same day the Thai Cabinet, led by Prime Minister Prayut Chan O’Cha, also approved Special Tourist Visas to be allowed for any country and not just those at ‘low risk’ for Covid-19.

A report in the Pattaya News said that the order to allow golf course quarantine will essentially allow those who wish to pass their quarantine time on the golf course to enter the country.

“There are, of course, strict rules and regulations for safety with this type of quarantine but this is a significant step forward for those who do not wish to stay in a single room or area for several weeks,” said the Pattaya News.

The Royal Gazette, which published the order yesterday, described golf quarantine as follows:

“Golf quarantine means the detention of people entering the Kingdom of Thailand for the purpose of exercising by playing golf. Playing rounds and doing health activities during quarantine is according to a service programme scheduled in advance by the golf business.

“It is a quarantine, surveillance, prevention and control facility for Covid-19, along with playing golf and doing health activities for a period of time according to the Infectious Disease Situation Management Centre.”

Individuals can apply for this type of quarantine through their local embassy or consulate, according to the Thai Cabinet.

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